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I am a published writer of narrative non-fiction. (Working on my fourth title). I am a former academic – specialising in literature – and have a published profile in this field. I offer workshops on aspects of literature / creative writing. I also teach secondary school English, part-time.

As a writer of narrative non-fiction I focus on the art of paying attention to the world around me / noting what my mind is simultaneously supplying / fusing a mix of memoir, observation, critique and social commentary in a text laced with literary allusions.

My books explore a wide range of subjects – e.g. climate change / road-running / contemplation /the second-hand book trade / family stories / the Paisley Beer Festival / Paisley’s mill history and other local, national and global happenings.

I offer workshops on this art as well as staging other sessions, utilising my academic self, where the focus is on a particular writer / genre.

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